Hanyang Doseong Tour <3 :) > REVIEW

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Hanyang Doseong Tour <3 :)

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Writer CminIIkht Hit 5,459 Hits Date 19-03-19 15:02



A short story of my previous Saturday

I was selected to participate in this tour, Hanyang city wall. Being selected is very amazing especially in a foreign country I was kind of proud of myself, So I screenshot the direction and waited for March 16th 


I couldn't find the Exit 9 but I came out anyway and I asked a beautiful Korean lady how I can go to Doseong Museum, I explained to her we are going to watch the Hanyang city wall today and she said it used to be more than 18 km and at present, a 12 km section  of the wall is designated as Historic Site and is protected accordingly, along with the gates, water gates, and signal fire mounds. Then she showed me the way then I saw this gate and I became happy that I'm finding the way because it was getting late...1938922670_1552974076.496.jpg



Thinking of how people could this great job at that time I found myself in front of the museum.





There I was kindly welcomed ... there we listened to dear Mrs. Suzanna Samstag Oh who was telling the interesting history of the wall ... and answering lots of questions about the wall: When it was made, Where, Why by Whom and How .. there were lots of names that I couldn't keep in my mind. So I recorded some parts. and after each slide, there was this energetic voice behind me: "next slide?" :)) <3 Mrs.Suzanna's cute and lovely daughter :) I could tell she had the American accent from Mrs. Suzanna and that the Korean gene is very strong ;) ... 





It was great. She enthusiastically was telling the story of a legacy with layers of history over 600 Years and I was thinking I will touch these layers. After hearing the great stories we were divided into groups to visit the wall. We were with dear Suzanna <3 and could directly hear the rest of the story by the wall itself.




photo by FUNDAY KOREA from facebook

 Here Majid was going to try moving the rocks :)) 

and the tour started ... 

apart from the historical points. the place was very beautiful and very calming 



Same gate from another view, photo by FUNDAY KOREA (from facebook)




 During the tour, Some of us were asked to share their opinions and guys with cameras were recording ..




after learning many things of the history of Hanyang city wall we had a short walk to a cozy and beautiful restaurant and we had dinner. We were invited by great FUNDAY KOREA to have Korean dishes :P ^^ 





It was very enjoyable especially when you meet great people from other countries all kind all fun all energetic and lovely 





photo by FUNDAY KOREA (from facebook)



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Comment by Funday Korea Network

Funday Korea Network Date

Wow! Such a beautiful and detailed review!! Thank you very much! <3
We were more than Happy to have you as our visitor and we are looking forward to meeting you again!

Representative: Ha Yeong Tae 6th floor, 115, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Email: info@fundaykorea.com
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