Experience Korean Temple Food > REVIEW

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Experience Korean Temple Food

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Writer 王森玫 Hit 8,379 Hits Date 19-11-27 17:08



My friend asked if if I was interested about making Korean temple food, and I love to do the dishes by myself, so it was a good opportunity to make food.
First, the teacher taught us how to make sujebi noodle soup. After learning all the steps, we went back to our group and started making the dish. As the picture following, the sujebi noodle soup made by the teacher looked so delicious. I hoped we could also make such a good dish.


During the making process, our team cooperated with each other, some people cutting the ingredients, some people making the sujebi. It was so interesting that we can experience temple food through making by ourselves.


While eating the sujebi noodle soup, I thought of what teacher have told us in the beginning, "Always appreciate what we get from the earth." Thank you so much for letting us have this good chance and we have a great lesson from the experience.

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