A journey into the Korean alcohol culture > REVIEW

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A journey into the Korean alcohol culture

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Writer MirunaBaicu Hit 5,881 Hits Date 19-11-26 23:53



Thanks to Funday Korea and their very neat organization, I had the chance to attend a very unique cultural and entertaining event that took us through the history of alcohol in Korea all the way to how different types of alcohol are made. I had the chance to taste authentic Korean drinks I never even imagined existed (honey wine, ginseng wine, cinnamon soju, to name a few), but also some drinks I was curious about (korean grapes wine and different types of makkoli). Besides this, I got the chance to see and experience how makkolli was made (and drink it afterwards). How amazing is that?!

I think the whole event was neatly organized and I can only thank the staff for taking such good care of us! Not to mention the fact that we could bring along a friend, received some precious gifts (among which there were beautiful pottery soju bottles!) and had the chance to meet new people, get tipsy and have fun together!

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