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Writer Alina Hit 4,406 Hits Date 19-07-11 00:01



978293211_1562769198.2613.jpgOn a perfect sunny day at the very end of spring we had a wonderful opportunity to unite with the nature at Pocheon. After getting off at a cozy farmstay (super-organic: they even had their own silkworm pets, haha) we started off with making specially designed bean paste rice cakes and waffles with mulberry jam. After having fun cooking and playing Korean traditional games we enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch with the dishes made with home-grown veggies, and then ate watermelon till our stomachs were about to explode! 


Our next stop was the glass bridge with its breathtaking views and, of course, fascinating waterfalls. For our safety we got the helmets and then went all the way down to see the magic of powerful water streams going down a beautiful emerald mountain. The place also holds a natural minerals museum, visiting which was educating and fun. 


 The last stop and the highlight of our trip has become Pocheon Art Valley, a place well-known by drama lovers. Going to the top of the Art Valley hill by cable car made everyone super excited, and we got even happier after seeing magnificent white rocks and emerald waters with our own eyes. The Art park itself along with the rocks is one of a kind and a must-visit in Korea. The park also has unique art objects here and there, we had a great laugh taking pictures along the park. The season was also just right for our trip: the roses were still in bloom so we took a million beautiful pics!  Pocheon is a wonderful place to visit and Funday Korea made our trip even more pleasant by organizing the trip super carefully. Thank you! We had a truly unforgettable experience!







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