Great trip to relieve my stress after final exam! > REVIEW

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Great trip to relieve my stress after final exam!

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Writer Nathanael Hit 4,111 Hits Date 18-12-17 00:03



When I first saw this trip's poster I did not have any idea about this drama before. I just applied for this trip because I was quite stressful after my final exam and I wanted to explore South Korea more and not only Seoul city. Even though I had to take the bus to get there I did not regret it at all since it was a great chance for me to know more about other foreigners as well. After I arrived at Sunshine Land, it was really amazing to see various scenes for 'Mr. Sunshine' drama. I saw many old things there which made me amazed. I walked around for 2 hours in cold weather but it was really fun to explore every corner of Sunshine Land. The talk concert was lit! We had the chance to see an actress and a singer which are really famous for the drama. Lucky I understand Korean language pretty well so I can understand their jokes and conversations fully without any translation help. The sad thing is only ... I did not get any door prize ㅜㅜ For meal, Funday Korea provided us with meal really well. They planned this trip perfectly and of course I made good memories! Thank you Funday Korea!

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Comment by Funday Korea Networks

Funday Korea Networks Date

Thank you very much for participating in our trip! :) We are glad to hear that your stress was relieved thanks to it! Did you watch the drama after that?
It is unfortunate you could not win the prize...Make sure to join our future events and maybe you will have a better luck next time :)

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