Happy Korean Independence Day! (Gwangbokjeol, 광복절) > Updates

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Happy Korean Independence Day! (Gwangbokjeol, 광복절)

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Writer Funday Korea Networks Hit 10,264 Hits Date 19-08-14 11:18
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(This flashmob performance was given by 40 foreign nationals recruited by us to and to

commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Korean Independence Movement Day, on last March 1st, earlier this year.

본 플래시몹 영상은 지난 삼일절 백주년을 맞아 외국인 친구들이 기념 공연을 한 영상입니다.)

August 15th is Korean Independence Day (Gwangbokjeol, 광복절)and it is a very significant day to Koreans.

8월15일은 광복절이며 한국인에게는 굉장히 의미있는 날 입니다.


On August 15, 1945, Korea regained independence and freedom from a decades-long occupation of a neighborhood country.

This holiday is especially notable for being the only Korean public holiday celebrated in both North and South Korea.

1945년 8월15일, 한국은 이웃나라의 오래된 지배에서 벗어나 독립과 자유를 얻었으며,

광복절은 남한과 북한 양측에서 유일하게 함께 기리는 기념일이기때문에 더욱 상징적입니다.

Regardless of gender, age, and nationality, we all know that everyone hopes for peace. Join us and let's celebrate this special day together!

성별, 연령, 국가를 초월하여 세계 모두가 한마음으로 평화를 바라 듯, 오늘만큼은 저희와 동참해서 광복절을 기념하여 주시면 좋겠어요!

#815 #대한독립만세 #펀데이코리아네트웍스 #fundaykoreanetworks #koreanindependenceday

#광복절 #nationalholiday #independenceday #independence #대한민국 #southkorea #northkorea

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